It is official! Kevin now has a vicarage assignment for the upcoming year! I really should be catching up on sleep, but there are just too many things to ponder and too much news to share!
Our initial reaction to Saint Joseph, Michigan was, "Really? Just a short three hour drive from Fort Wayne? What kind of adventure is that?" But just this morning a good friend reminded me that adventure isn't always about location :) So, overall, we are eagerly anticipating settling into a new home, learning our way around a new town and building new friendships. We've heard many good things about the town and the church already, and what I find most encouraging is that, besides having already invited both Kevin and myself to be friends on Facebook, our future pastor has instigated a meeting with Kevin TONIGHT! It is very convenient that Saint Joseph is just 3 short hours from Fort Wayne :)
There is much more to learn about where we'll be living and exactly when we'll be loading up that moving truck (again), but I do have a few interesting things to share for now! Kevin is scheduled to start his vicarage on July 1st, although that probably means moving in a week or two in advance to get settled. Saint Joseph is a town of about 10,000 people and Trinity worships about 500 people on an average Sunday. That number is about 4-5 times that of the church where Kevin currently does fieldwork, but on the other hand, it is pretty similar to the size of our home congregation back in Fargo. Trinity currently has two pastors, a Director of Children's Education and a Director of Music Ministries (among other leaders in the church), so it sounds like there will be a wealth of opportunities for Kevin to grow and for the rest of us to enjoy! They also have a very inviting ;)
Although the 14-hour journey from Fort Wayne back home to Fargo hasn't been shortened by much (40 miles?), we are VERY excited to see that the church is just a few blocks from the shores of Lake Michigan! Wow! So, as far as adventure goes, I think we scored some pretty good scenery! We don't really know anything about what kind of housing we will be in, but our papers tell us it will be "within walking distance of the church." I wonder if they know how much walking Kevin does...or doesn't do :)
One of the other greats perk that I am excited to highlight quickly before I go, is that Trinity also has a Lutheran School for preschoolers through grade 8! That means no searching for schools for Caleb to start Kindergarten this coming fall—and to that, the mommy says, YAY!
That is all I've got for now—oh, well except that we are yet to determine if our loyal mini-dachshund, Shelby, will be able to make the move with us...