Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My top ten favorite things about my boys (2010)

10. Watching them become independent
Like Caleb running around the bases at t-ball tonight laughing with new friends, or Ethan pulling his stool up to every door and light switch so he can operate them on his own.

9. Playing peek-a-boo
It's nothing short of impossible NOT to smile! Ethan even has the sneak attack down—at t-ball tonight, he ran up behind me and wrapped his little arms around my neck, then peeked to one side ever-so-quietly with the worlds biggest grin on his face—which quickly transformed to a giggle as I turned and said "boo!"
8. Answering simple questions with complicated answers
"Mom, why can't I play outside longer?"
"Because it's too hot for your little body and you will get dehydrated and pass out."

I have a feeling we'll need to readdress that one again another day.

7. Indulging in dessert together
Tonight before bed, Caleb and I enjoyed some ice cream and hot fudge together—smiling the whole way and sarcastically commenting on how disgusting it was! Oh chocolate, gross!!
6. Eating breakfast together
Talk about starting your day off right! Tonight Kevin got home from church and came in to kiss his boys goodnight. I was laying in bed with Caleb and he asked dad if he would wake him up so they could eat breakfast together in the morning. What are the chances he'll still invite us to breakfast when he's 30?

5. Cooking together
A few nights ago we made Spaghetti Bake; Caleb chopped some peppers with the onion chopper and Ethan delicately sprinkled noodles in the pan; I just stood in the middle and admired my beautiful family!

4. Passing down traditions
Sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows, watching "Home Alone," waking up to stockings filled with toys, eating ice cream after a night of t-ball, reading "Goodnight Moon," building with Lincoln Logs...

3. Coloring together
Every picture is a surprise! A masterpiece! A keepsake. (Why do they make refrigerators so small?!)

2.  Watching Ethan learn from his big brother
Tonight in the bath tub Ethan starts singing as he's soaping himself up—I think it was supposed to be some variation of "Scrub-a-dub-dub..." But it doesn't stop there—every eye-wincing scream and every heart-stopping leap off the couch, Ethan is on a mission!

1. Hug, hug, hug and hug some more!
Holding hands is nice, but nothing says I love you like a hug! How long before they become embarrassed to wrap their arms around you and say "I love you too, mom"?

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